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Rabu, 28 April 2010

Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: membuat buku tamu untuk blog
Sumber/web/blog anda:
Isi Posting Anda: Cbox – chat for the social web

Get a Cbox and add a new dimension of interaction to your website or blog. Cbox is a unique chat and messaging application that brings the best features of traditional chat and tagging systems to the social web. And the best part – Cbox Basic is completely free.
Get your own free Cbox now!
Some of our unique features...
Unlike traditional chat, Cbox has perpetual message history so your visitors are placed immediately in context. Cbox is finely customizable to blend into your site, it's intuitive, making it fun and easy to use, and it's secure, giving you control over who can post, and blocking spam.

The Premium Cbox is a step above
Cbox is designed to be highly scalable, supporting hundreds of concurrent users on a single chat; its compatibility is unmatched – engineered to function on every browser, Cbox takes advantage of newer technology where it's available, degrading gracefully on older systems. Cbox uses HTML and AJAX technologies – requires no plugins. We've packaged this great featureset with additional support into our Premium service.
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