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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: membuat buku tamu untuk blog
Sumber/web/blog anda:
Isi Posting Anda: Cbox – chat for the social web

Get a Cbox and add a new dimension of interaction to your website or blog. Cbox is a unique chat and messaging application that brings the best features of traditional chat and tagging systems to the social web. And the best part – Cbox Basic is completely free.
Get your own free Cbox now!
Some of our unique features...
Unlike traditional chat, Cbox has perpetual message history so your visitors are placed immediately in context. Cbox is finely customizable to blend into your site, it's intuitive, making it fun and easy to use, and it's secure, giving you control over who can post, and blocking spam.

The Premium Cbox is a step above
Cbox is designed to be highly scalable, supporting hundreds of concurrent users on a single chat; its compatibility is unmatched – engineered to function on every browser, Cbox takes advantage of newer technology where it's available, degrading gracefully on older systems. Cbox uses HTML and AJAX technologies – requires no plugins. We've packaged this great featureset with additional support into our Premium service.
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: 10 Do's and Don'ts to Avoid SEO Mistakes
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Isi Posting Anda: With so much misinformation out there, along with a lack of knowledge about how SEO works, you could end up getting your website banned from the search engines. Learn how to avoid common mistakes with these 10 simple do's and don'ts.

10. Don't Use Flash for SEO. Flash websites are very eye-catching but search engines cannot read or index this type of content. If it is impossible to avoid a Flash-centric website and you need search engines to index it, you will have to offer an html version too. Search engines don't like Flash sites for a reason – a spider can't read Flash content and therefore can't index it.

9. Don't Use too Much JavaScript. Searchbots are not designed to read and understand JavaScript code. If a website contains a few lines of text in the JavaScript code, chances are that searchbots will ignore the entire block of code along with the text. This is true in the case of JavaScript menus. Try to keep the use of JavaScript to a minimum. Alternatively, create an external JavaScript file if it is unavoidable.

8. Do Implement a Robots.txt File. The primary purpose for using a robots.txt file is to gain complete control over the data indexed by the searchbots. Implement a Robots.txt file only when you want to prevent unwanted web pages from being indexed. A robots.txt file is always placed in the root folder of the website where the searchbots can access it easily.

7. Do Target the Correct Keywords. Targeting the wrong keywords is a common mistake many optimizers make and even worse – veteran SEO professionals do it. Marketers select keywords that they think are explanatory of their website but the average searcher does not think in those same keyword terms. Picking the right keywords can increase or decrease traffic to your SEO campaign. A first-class keyword suggestion aid, for example the Google search-based keyword tool will help you find keywords that are appropriate for your site.

6. Do Include Long Tail Keywords. With a million websites competing for short tail keywords, it can take more than 6 months to rank in the top 20 for a competitive keyword. In this case, long tail keywords come in handy. Long tail keywords are more specific and can contain the name of a specific product, brand or city. Ranking for long tail keywords is comparatively easier and the rate of conversion is better than that of short tail keywords. Do include keywords in the title tags.

5. Do Maintain a Uniform URL Structure. If your website is dynamic, then you need to modify the URL structure of the web pages. This maintains uniformity and helps searchbots to understand which page it is indexing. It is very easy to maintain the URL structure in dynamic websites. Blogging platforms like Wordpress provide an option for permalinks. Customized dynamic websites can use URL rewrite in the .htaccess file for the same.

4. Don't Link to Low Quality Websites. Link building is a very crucial aspect of search engine optimization. Search engines consider the number of incoming links to a website as an indication of their popularity and give them priority rankings. Many beginners fail to realize that it is links from authoritative and quality websites that are important and they mistakenly link to low quality websites for higher rankings. This tactic can cause the credibility of the website to go down with search engines and in some cases, the website may get banned.

3. Do Perform Competitive Intelligence. Before starting your search engine optimization program, visit the competing websites in the top results. Research these types of questions:

A. How many websites are competing for the same keyword? B. How old are the websites in top search engine results pages? C. How many back links do the top ranking websites list? D. What type of social media is used by the competing sites?

2. Do Take Advantage of Google Analytics. 2009 was the year when web analytics gained momentum. Google Analytics came up with advanced metrics and intelligence report features which revolutionized free analytics tools. Companies realized the benefits of using web analytics tools to extract their relevant data. Implement Google Analytics to analyze data and build a 2010 plan to increase traffic and rates of conversion.

1. Do Create Fresh Content. Search engines are famous for penalizing a website for publishing duplicate content. With plagiarism on the rise and availability of content checking tools such as Copyscape, marketers have become more cautious. Yahoo is considered to be among the harshest of all the search engines with regard to this penalty. Add fresh content to your website to help build visitor interest and credibility with the search engines.

These 10 simple do's and don'ts can help you to avoid making potentially dangerous seo mistakes and ensure your site is indexed and boost rankings.
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: program untuk mengembalikan gambar yang hilang
Sumber/web/blog anda:
Isi Posting Anda: download program untuk mengembalikan file image / recovary gambar dari MMS, Stik, Mini SD, dll. di:

penggunaan mudah, dan simple
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: mencegah copy tanpa ijin untuk flasdisk
Sumber/web/blog anda:
Isi Posting Anda: Ini maksudna TS, untuk keperluan security kali ya.. supaya orang gak bisa kupi fail melalui usb flashdsik dg cara usb port na di kunci.

coba pake ini bayarware ini (bisa buat usb, cd/dvd rom drive, floppydisk)

USB Lock Auto Protection
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: Portable WinUtilities Pro 9.41 + Key
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Isi Posting Anda: WinUtilities Pro 9.41adalah software yang bisa agan gunakan untuk mengoptimasi dan mengkonfigurasi PC agan sehingga memiliki kondisi yang prima dan optimal.

WinUtilities Pro 9.41 terdiri dari berbagai macam sub program yang bermanfaat dalam mengoptimasi komputer agan sehingga komputer agan bisa berjalan pada performa maksimal. Selain fitur untuk maintenance dan optimasi, ada juga beberapa fitur seperti password security untuk melindungi dokumen, undelete document untuk mengembalikan dokumen atau file yang terhapus dan masih banyak fitur lainnya.

Software ini bisa digunakan di windows 98, ME, 2000, 2003, XP , Vista dan Windows 7.

Fitur WinUtilities Pro 9.41 secara lengkap adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Mengembalikan / recovery file yang terhapus di partisi FAT maupun NTFS
2. Menghapus secara permanen file yang anda inginkan
3. Memproteksi file exe dengan password yang bisa anda setting
4. Back up dan restore registry
5. Managemen setting dan pengaturan windows
6. Defragment disk dan mempercepat performa komputer serta stabilitas komputer
7. Melakukan scanning terhadap registry dan memperbaiki registry yang error
8. File Splitter untuk memecah sebuah file besar menjadi beberapa bagian file kecil
9. Managemen memori untuk mempercepat kinerja komputer anda
10. Melakukan scanning dan penghapusan terhadap duplicate file atau file ganda.

WinUtilities Pro 9.41 memiliki modul – modul berikut ini :

1. Disk Defrag
2. File Undelete
3. Disk Cleaner
4. Registry Cleaner
5. Startup Cleaner
6. History Cleaner
7. File Splitter
8. File Shredder
9. EXE Protector
10. Memory Optimizer
11. Duplicate Files Finder
12. Shortcuts Fixer
13. Process Manager
14. Uninstall Manager
15. System Information
16. Registry Backup&Restore
17. Registry Search
18. BHO Remover
19. Auto Shutdown
20. Windows Tools
21. System Control
22. Task Scheduler

kini anda bisa menikmati software yang secara normal berharga $49,99 ( kurang lebih setengah juta rupiah ) ini secara gratis

Donload di :
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: Windows 7 (Seven) Ultimate Edition FULL
Sumber/web/blog anda:
Isi Posting Anda: Windows 7 is the easiest, fastest, and the participation version of Windows yet. best ways to find and manage files, such as skip lists and improved taskbar provided through help accelerate daily tasks. Faster and more reliable performance means that the PC only works the way you want. And great features like Windows HomeGroup and touch new things possible. Meet Windows 7 and see how you can simplify just about everything you do with your PC.

If you want to run Windows 7 on your PC, here? S what is needed:

* 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
* 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB of RAM (64 bits )
* 16 GB of available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64 bit)
* DirectX 9 graphics with WDDM device driver 1.0 or higher

Installation Process:

Download and extract with WinRAR.
Use Nero to burn the image ISO call? FaXcooL.Windows.7.Ultimate.ENG.x86-x64.ACTiVATED?
- Burning speed should not be faster than 4x. Otherwise, it might work.
Restart the computer.
- sure? I seleceted your hard DVD-ROM/RW as first boot device
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: ganti tampilan xp menjadi windows 7
Sumber/web/blog anda:
Isi Posting Anda: merubah tampilan windows xp dengan mudah dan aman dengan menggunakan software seven remix, download software seven remix terbaru disini

anda tidak usah susah-susah mencari, disini gudangnya
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: download foxit reader 3
Sumber/web/blog anda:
Isi Posting Anda: program pembaca File PDF, sudah pasti anda butuhkan, terutama bagi anda yang suka buka file dari internet, biasanya anda mungkin menggunakan Adobe Reader, tapi kali ini tak ada salahnya jika anda menggunakan foxit reader, karena foxit reader ini sangat ringan, dan mudah digunakan, cepat insatalnya, untuk download silahkan klik di :;contentAux
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: Seven utilities for Windows 7
Sumber/web/blog anda:;contentBody
Isi Posting Anda: download seven utillity untuk merubah tampilan windows 7 anda
perbaiki tampilan windows 7 anda dengan utillity ini,
selengkapnya bisa anda baca di :;contentBody
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: download template blog "mina"
Sumber/web/blog anda:
Isi Posting Anda: download template "mina" untuk, selengkapnya silahkan anda klik di :
hasilnya pasti memuaskan

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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: Menghubungkan 2 Komputer Dengan Menggunakan Kabel Cross
Sumber/web/blog anda:
Isi Posting Anda: Saat kita mengirim atau menerima data antara dua perangkat komputer, satu pihak akan berperan sebagai pengirin sementara yang lain sebagai penerima. Semua ini dilakukan melalui kabel jaringan yang terdiri dari beberapa pasang kabel. Beberapa kabel ini digunakan untuk mengirim data, sedangkan yang lain digunakan untuk menerima data. Pada dasarnya kita perlu menghubungkan jalur TX (Trasmit) dari satu ujung ke RX (Receive).
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: Membuat Nomor Halaman / Page Number di Blogspot
Sumber/web/blog anda:
Isi Posting Anda: Kode membuat halaman 123 di blogspot ini,saya dapat dari hasil karya besar Bp.Wijaya di
Anda bisa mengunjungi website dan tutorial 123 page navigation ini di situsnya langsung dalam tutorialnya 'Membuat Navigasi Page Number Blogspot',atau anda bisa langsung klik
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: Download mIRC 6
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Isi Posting Anda: MIRC kalau menurut saya Gak jauh beda dengan Yahoo Messenger,cuma kalau dengan mirc kita tidak bisa menggunakan video maupun audio ya gak?sudah lama sihh gak pake miRC lagi,karena sekarang ini jauh banget dengan yang dulu,kalau join room kalau kita gak menyapa maka gak ada yang menyapa,ada yang PM juga bahasanya enak,salam kenal sob,namaku ini itu misalnya,tapi kalau sekarang ini,sekali masuk room langsung banyak PM masuk,mending kalau bahasanya enak,masih kecil juga bahasanya udah kayak orang dewasa saja,kata kata jorok dan gak pantes kalau menurut saya.Nah dari situlah makanya saya paling males mainan miRC,mendingan pake YM,online status invisble hehehe,kalau ada yang PM ya sukur,kalau gak ada ya baca baca awaynya temen temen.
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Posting Anda:

Judul Posting: Download Winrar Terbaru Free Full Version for Windows
Sumber/web/blog anda:
Isi Posting Anda: Program Winrar saya rasa sudah banyak tahu apa fungsinya yahh,yaitu buat mengkompress file,yang mana awalnya ukurannya besar sebelum di buat *rar,tapi setelah di kompres dengan winrar ukurannya jadi mengecil,sehingganya bisa membuat Hardisk atau penyimpan data anda jadi lebih banyak free spacenya kalau cuma hardisk ukuran 5 gb atau punya flashdisk cuma ukuran 1 gb hehehe,selain itu juga lebih mudah atau cepat di download jika memang filenya mau di upload,Penasaran dengan shareware tersebut?dan ingin mendownload programnya,silahkan
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